Patch Day #27: Update for 12 products

Achtung: Diese Seite ist nur noch Teil eines Archivs und wird in Zukunft entfernt.

Consistently on 24th of a month there is a patch day for our products, which provides new updates with bugfixes and improvements. Today there are updates for 12 products from KittMedia Productions.

The following products receive an update: The changelog can be found on the particular product site.

Customers of the WoltLab Plugin-Store have to wait for activation of the plugins. The designs have already been activated.

Have a nice time with the new versions of the products.
Über den Autor
Ich bin Webentwickler in Stuttgart und administriere Server seit vielen Jahren. In diesem Blog erstelle ich hauptsächlich Tutorials für andere Webentwickler, Webdesigner und Serveradministratoren.
I’m a web developer in Stuttgart, Germany, and server administrator since many years. This blog mainly contains a tutorial set for other web developer, web designer and server administrators.

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